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newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

newWEB veggie style 2019

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VEGGIE STYLE Chlorella Powder offers for any athlete with a healthy lifestyle a 100% vegan supplement. The natural algae Chlorella is a super food, which offers a high protein content with all essential amino acids & fatty acids, Minerals and Vitamins. PDF Print Email
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Veggie Style Products - Veggy Power

1Veggie-Style-Vegan-Supplement Chlorella tt









Our Chlorella Bottle contains 180 tables of 100% pure Chlorella for the price of 23,40 Euros




Chlorella offers a natural high content of all essential amino acids & fatty acids, Minerals and Vitamins, and it is also packed with antioxidants, GLA, DNA&RNA and Chlorophyll and phythonutrients.




Chlorella is known as nature’s Detoxifier and the most powerful Super foods in the world with the highest content of protein, Chlorophyll and Nucleic Acids. Our Chlorella offers in a natural way a high concentration of vital nutrients, which your body needs to stay healthy, fit, full of energy and young. It offers a long list of healthy benefits. It is also beneficial for:


  • Weight loss,
  • Healthy skin
  • The health of your Eyes & Bones
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Spirulina helps you to feel full of energy




Chlorella contains valuable nutrients in a natural and easy to digest and high concentrated form.



VEGGIE STYLE Chlorella is grown organically in natural spring water in a bio-secure area, far away from any contamination and free of any kind of pesticides, herbicides and it is Non-GMO


VEGGIE STYLE Chlorella is the best way to supply your body with natural Minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and essential fatty acids such as Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A, C and B, GLA etc.



Our Veggie Style Chlorella is organic, and as a super food it has besides many health benefits also the advantage of containing so many essential nutrients that it gives you more energy and power for your training sessions, whether at the gym or at any other sport field.

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Chlorella stands for important health benefits with a high concentration of important nutrients.


Our Chlorella tablets contain 100% Organic Chlorella, and we don’t add anything else to them, so no fillers preservatives – just natural and powerful chlorella.


Chlorella has a higher content of vitamins and minerals, in some nutrients it even has higher content compared to some vegetables which are normally famous for having high contents of specific nutrients.




As example, the case of the Spinach and Iron. 100g of spinach has 2mg of Iron; versus Chlorella, which contains 164 mg of iron.




And like this we can list many more examples, like the Vitamin B2 Content of Chlorella, which is much higher than the one found in Spinach, Broccoli, Carrots or Pumpkins – same happens with Vitamin A, Calcium, Potassium and Vitamin B1 in where Chlorella is leading the content amount.




A few of the important health benefits of Chlorella is besides of the detoxification effect, it’s ability to improve our digestive process, it gives our body energy and strengthen our immune system so that our body is stronger against any disease.


And important for anyone: Chlorella supports the health of our body’s cardiovascular system.


 1VeggieStyle VeganSupplement SpirulinaTT


Chlorella is not only nutrient-dense; it also contains more nucleic acids (important for the production of the RNA and DNA of each and every one of our body cells). There is nearly no other food, with such a higher content of nucleic acids which rounds about the 11,17mg of DNA and 102mg of RNA per 100mg.




The Chlorophyll content is also much higher compared for example to broccoli. Each 100g of our Veggie Style Chlorella contains 115mg of Chlorophyll.




The detoxification effect of Chlorella is based on the fact, that Chlorella has the capacity to absorb heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium uranium and other dangerous contaminations of our environment- these contaminations are accumulated over the years in our body converting it to a dangerous and slowly poisoning of our bodies. So we can take the chance of detoxification our body by using this special capacity of the chlorella cell, which operates like an imam, binding all heavy metals, and like this we flush them out of our body.

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This effect could be proven in many scientific studies in where scientists could calculate that capacity of the Chlorella, when it was exposed to high contaminated areas; chlorella lowers the contamination inside the body. In another study it could be proven, that breastfeeding mothers have less dioxin in the mother milk when they was adding into their diet chlorella.






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