Mental Power Think about a good training session and you will train better! Print
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Mental Power Think about a good training session and you will train better!

The night before the next workout, try the following suggestion:

Close your eyes, slow down your breathing and relax every muscle of your body. Make the most of this moment of calm and serenity. Now, think of the upcoming training session.

Visualize each exercise, set and repetition. Concentrate as much as you can on the sensations, all the small details: imagine the weight you chose, feel the effort, enjoy the feeling of your muscles being pumped and imagine how easy it is to perform each repetition. The day after, you will experience the training session just as you imagined and visualized it.

It is an easy-to-learn technique and the more you practice it the better you will get at it, so make a habit of it in order to obtain the best results. The best moment is just before going to sleep.

Most athletes use this technique to mentally prepare themselves for the next work out and to reach their full potential.

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