Enjoy how your body changes in the first months! Print
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Enjoy how your body changes in the first months!

Beginners usually enjoy early success when they first start training

Their improvements are normally easy to measure, but subsequent progress can seem slow and inconsistent. Beginners must remember that the aim of fitness training is to achieve continuous and long-term benefits. They will achieve this if they are disciplined and persistent with their exercise program.

When you want to build muscle mass, you need to train with a weight that allows you to lift within the range of 8-12 reps. Progressive training then requires you to gradually increase the reps to the maximum, and increase the number of sets from 3 to 5. When you are able to do 12 clean reps, you should increase the weight and begin the sequence again. By continually exercising your muscles to fatigue, and by placing increasing demands on them, you will obtain the right stimulation for them to grow.

Beginners usually show continuous improvement for the first 6 months before reaching their first training plateau. Then you need to stimulate your body into further progress by changing your training routine. The people who always train with the same exercises and weights may be maintaining their present fitness level, but they will not be able to reach their full potential.

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