The following principles will not only make you lose weight, they will also help you keep your ideal Print
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The following principles will not only make you lose weight,

they will also help you keep your ideal

Stay Slim

Weight training: You should train every 2-3 days so that you build muscle mass which enhances the fat burning process.

Avoid Beer

Beer is bad for the body shape. It not only contains malt sugar, but the muscles and organs of the body have no use for the alcohol. This leads to the storage of this energy into the fat cells. Alcohol also lowers the testosterone level.

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Avoid carbohydrates at night:

At night, we should eat vegetables, salads, vegetable soups, seitan, beans etc. You may eat as much as you want because these foods satisfy your hunger and enhance your metabolism while not producing fat. Do avoid sugars, bread, and pasta.

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It is best is to eat vegetables, salads and fruits, since they hardly have calories to be stored in the fat cells. And they also make our metabolism work faster

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Avoid combining carbohydrates with protein at night

Whenever you have a craving for sweet at night, do not feel tempted to combine carbohydrates with proteins, such as fish or meat because this combination releases the highest amount of insulin and it will be stored in your fat cells. Pasta with tomato sauce is a better choice than with meat sauce.

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It is best is to eat vegetables, salads and fruits, since they hardly have calories to be stored in the fat cells. And they also make our metabolism work faster.

We should also avoid sugar drinks and other sweets at night. Whenever you want to treat yourself to these, you should eat them in the day time so that you can burn the calories during the course of the day.

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Drink 15ml of non-sparkling water a day for every pound of body weight in order to optimize the function of the kidneys.


fUse olive or soybean oil. These oils will not have any impact on our fat cells and contain essential fatty acids which our body needs in order to guarantee the function of many processes like the building of muscle tissue and the fat burning process.


fAvoid artificial sweeteners and light products because these contain substances which can disturb the function of our brain. This can lead to concentration and memory problems.


Avoid sunflower, corn oil, and grape oil. They contain saturated fatty acids which end up in our fat cells.

Purchase a juice extractor for fruits and vegetables. Drink fresh juices on a daily basis as they provide all the vitamins and vital substances your body needs. Remember: a high level of vitamin C enhances the fat burning process.

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Schedule reward meals

From time to time schedule a reward meal in which you eat some of the foods you have been avoiding in your diet, like pizza or chocolate. When you abstain from tasty foods and snacks, you will develop a desire which will make concentrating on your diet difficult. By having these scheduled meals every once in a while, you will be better motivated to stick to your nutritional plan and continue losing weight.

Begin your meals

with a salad


This is an effective way to improve your nutrition by sparing calories and at the same time satisfying your hunger because of the high content in fiber. You will eat more and intake less calories. Food scientists have proven that if you begin your meals with a salad, you lower your caloric intake as much as 12%. You should avoid rich salad dressings and croutons.

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